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MOZNAIM, Jerusalem 2014

This text (by Herzel Hakak, a poet and the the chairman of The Hebrew Writers Association) has appeared in "MOZNAIM" (which means "Scales" and which is the official journal of the Association). We can read there: thanks to the initiative of Dr Diti Ronen, a poet, and the Institute of Adam Mickiewicz, in November 2013 in Jerusalem, KRYSTYNA LENKOWSKA's reading took place. The author of the note found it moving. The writers who took part in the meeting could hear the beautiful poems, he writes. Herzel was attracted most by the poem "Way" by which the dead Father and the dog were returning (in Braha Rosenfeld's translation). "Zagłębiali się w siebie jakby schodzili do jaskiń jaźni ojciec i pies (...)"