SEEKING FOR A POEM 2012 |  MENADA 2013 |  WCP 2019 |  RLN 2023

International Poetry Festival DITET E NAIMIT XVII (XVII edition)

director of the Festival - Shaip Emerllahu

Macedonia (Tetova) and Albania (Tirana)

17-20 October 2013

KRYSTYNA LENKOWSKA, poet from Poland (Rzeszów)

received the Literary Prize „MENADA”

on 19 October 2013,

during the official closing ceremony of the Festival in the „International Tirana” hotel in Tirana (Albania)

The Jury, writers, Aron Tufa fromTirana (Albania) and Ndue Ukaj from Prisztina (Kosovo), chose the candidate:

Per krijimtari poetike te vecante / for the special poetic creativity.